
A before and after picture of the nose surgery.

Bilateral Cleft Lip – Case 1

Case ID: 2345



A young boy is eating something in front of him.


Case ID: 4659

Front: Young boy with sagittal craniosynostosis.

Front: Post-op reveals normal cranial index.

A young boy with a broken nose and an open mouth.

Bilateral Cleft Lip

Case ID: 2872



A baby with brown skin and black eyes is shown.

Cleft Lip

Case ID: 3484


A baby with a nose bleed and an infant with a face tumor.

Cleft Lip

Case ID: 3700


A baby with an open mouth and nose.

Cleft Lip

Case ID: 3705


A child with an open nose and a closed mouth.

Cleft Lip

Case ID: 3709


A baby with a nose bleed and an infant with a broken nose.

Cleft Lip

Case ID: 3969

Front: Bilateral cleft lip repair in one operation.

A baby with a nose bleed and a child with a red tongue.

Cleft Lip

Case ID: 3973

Front: Bilateral cleft lip repair in one operation.

A close up of two children with different expressions

Cleft Lip

Case ID: 3988

Front: Primary reconstruction of lip, muscle and columella.