Chicago, IL
Miami, FL
(312) 335-9566
(305) 753-1400
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Aesthetic Procedures
  Breast Augmentation
  Breast Lift (Mastopexy)
  Breast Reduction
  Facial Bone Augmentation
  Revision of breasts
Facial Feminization
Reconstructive Procedures
  Abbe Flap
  ArterioVenous Malformation
  Asymmetric Breast Reconstruction
  Breast Reconstruction
  Cleft Lip
  Cleft Rhinoplasty
  Cranio Facial Fractures
  Craniofacial Tumor
  Facial Cleft
  Facial Fractures
  Facial Reconstruction
  Le Fort I
  Mandible Reconstruction
  Nasal Reconstruction
  Venous Malformation
Skin Cancer
Individual results may vary.
Case ID: 4899
Front:Â Pre-op and post-op. Preservation of vision and levator function.
Front:Â Juvenile hemangioma in a 12 year old boy. Pre and post-op one operation. Vision normal.
Front:Â Intra-operative photos of tumor excised with preservation of levator muscle.