
Two men with different facial features and one has a nose cut off.


Case ID: 4287

Front: NF 1 of skull, orbit, cheek, mandible, mouth, nose and ear. Post-op 3 procedures with artificial right eye

Two pictures of a person with an unusual face.


Case ID: 4299

Front: Destruction of skull, left orbit, eye, maxilla and nose. Post-op two procedures. She will need revision left orbit.

A man in white shirt standing next to a bed.


Case ID: 4307

Front: Pre and post-op total resection of 90 kg. tumor of back origin. Patient had prior amputation of right leg.

A man with a beard and mustache is shown before and after surgery.


Case ID: 4317

Front: Right orbital and temporal NF with orbital dystopia and enophthalmos. Post op resection of tumor, correction of enophthalmos with bone grafts, preservation of vision and VII cranial nerve.

Front: CT scan reveals large defect in orbital roof, orbital dystopia and bone destruction.

Front: Pre and post op correction.

Front: CT scans pre and post-op with bone grafts to orbit floor and roof and osteotomy zygoma.

A man with an extremely large, well-shaped buttocks.


Case ID: 4334


A man with gray hair and two different faces.


Case ID: 4339

Front: NF 1 and AV malformation of right temporal region. Post-op with VII nerve preservation.

Front: CT scans of tumor and AVM pre-op.

A woman with a face transplant and before and after.


Case ID: 4363

Front: 40 year old woman with history of >15 prior surgeries with persistent NF tumor left face. After two procedures of resection and reconstruction there has been no recurrence in 20 years.

Two women with different expressions on their faces.


Case ID: 4367

Front: Young woman with prior multiple surgeries and recurrences for N.F.1. Post-op after 3 procedures. Loss of VII nerve eye function precluded ptosis procedure of left eyelid to preserve limited vision.

Front: No tumor recurrence in >10 years. Lack of left eye protection precludes correction of ptosis.


Front: Pre-op and post-op photo reveal preservation of a working buccal nerve not revealed pre-op due to size of tumor.

A person with large body fat and a big butt


Case ID: 4382

Back: 42 year old woman with 180 lb. NF tumor of back and trunk. One year post-op photo.

A woman in white shirt and blue shorts.


Case ID: 4390

Side: Pre and post-op resection of 200 lb. tumor (world largest solid tumor). Wound coverage with skin grafts.