Front:Â Right orbital and temporal NF with orbital dystopia and enophthalmos. Post op resection of tumor, correction of enophthalmos with bone grafts, preservation of vision and VII cranial nerve.
Front:Â CT scan reveals large defect in orbital roof, orbital dystopia and bone destruction.
Front:Â Pre and post op correction.
Front:Â CT scans pre and post-op with bone grafts to orbit floor and roof and osteotomy zygoma.
Front:Â 40 year old woman with history of >15 prior surgeries with persistent NF tumor left face. After two procedures of resection and reconstruction there has been no recurrence in 20 years.
Front:Â Young woman with prior multiple surgeries and recurrences for N.F.1. Post-op after 3 procedures. Loss of VII nerve eye function precluded ptosis procedure of left eyelid to preserve limited vision.
Front:Â No tumor recurrence in >10 years. Lack of left eye protection precludes correction of ptosis.
Front:Â Pre-op and post-op photo reveal preservation of a working buccal nerve not revealed pre-op due to size of tumor.